Fruit Fly Wars

Fruit flies reproduce at amazing rates. Female fruit flies can lay over 500 eggs within their short life spans. Eggs are usually laid on damp, rotting or overripe fruit and vegetables. In one day, fruit fly eggs hatch into larvae known as maggots. Maggots then molt and less than a week the larvae change into pupae. Then 24 hours later, adult fruit flies develop. Two days following the adult stage, fruit flies become sexually active. The life span of fruit fly adults is usually 40 to 50 days. The life span is directly proportional to the ambient temperature. It is extremely difficult to rid a home of the common fruit fly. The first step in addressing a fruit fly infestation is the destruction of their feeding and breeding grounds. If the infestation in your kitchen, which it usually is, then dispose of all over-ripe or damaged fruit. The lack of food will soon cause them to die out. Bacterial digesters can be used to pour down infested drains. Bleach can be effective although it is rarely stays in the drain long enough to dissolve all the slime. Fruit fly traps can provide short-term relief by trapping the adults. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky