Bug Blog

Mosquito Repellents: lavender and lemongrass  

Many people would prefer to try natural mosquito control remedies rather than the heavy deet products. But do all those natural herbs, spices and oils really work? Should you be stocking up on those lavender and lemongrass candles? Can they really keep mosquitoes away? Mosquitoes find their hosts (mammals) by sensing the carbon dioxide that is exhaled. Once the mosquito gets close to its victim, they detect volatile chemicals given off by skin.  So, lemongrass contains citronella, a natural oil that repels mosquitoes, also catnip, rosemary and pennyroyal are herbs that contain other oils that repel mosquitoes. Citronella deters mosquitoes by covering scents that mosquitoes are drawn too, therefore they have a tougher time finding you. Citronella masks carbon dioxide and lactic acid in humans, two scents that are attractive to mosquitoes. Lavender oil contains up to 25% linalool. Linalool is a terpenoid alcohol that has the same effect on mosquito olfactory receptors as DEET -diethyltoluamide, a chemical we all know and use when purchasing conventional mosquito repellents. Geraniol, the active compound in geranium oil, is actually more effective at repelling mosquitoes than linalool or even citronella.

Not! Attracting Rodents to your house

Rodents are clever animals that love clutter, thrive in unkempt conditions (the more cluttered the better) and they are filthy – carrying many diseases. Mice and rats have great memory skills, if you have had rodents in your house before; you are likely to get more back. All rodents leave behind pheromones that tell the next generation of rats and mice that there was someone here before and it a safe to enter. One of the simplest ways to avoid getting them, or getting them back, is maintaining a clean, sanitary and tidy home. Believe me when I say, as easy as it is to attract rats and mice to your home, it’s just as easy to ward them off. Maintain a clean kitchen by storing dry foods in plastic containers and cleaning spills as it occurs. Bird feeders (rat feeders), fruit and nut bearing trees, growing vegetables all attract rodents to your yard. So maintain your garden regularly by picking up any fallen produce and cleaning up seeds or nuts you might see.

Ants Optimized Division of Labor 

Ants work together to dig intricate tunnel systems underground. Traffic engineers study ant colonies as mock-ups for learning how thousands of ants avoid creating traffic gridlocks while working in a restricted, jam-packed setting. It has been found that single workers follow counterintuitive guidelines to mine the beginning development of tunnel networks. After watching ants dig tunnels, it was discovered that 25-30% of the ants did 70-75% of all the work. But not due to laziness, individual ants when bumping into even a minor traffic jam on their way down to the tunnel, withdrew back up the tunnel without gathering any soil. It was also discovered that too many ants create a traffic jam, whereas too few ants cannot maintain a steady flow. A critical number of ants maximize traffic flow which turns out to be an optimized division of labor.

Cockroaches-Prevention is better than cure!

Just the site of a cockroach in a t.v. show is enough to turn most people’s stomach, now imagine walking into your kitchen at lunch time and seeing a half a dozen skittering across your countertop –this is described as an infestation. Cockroach’s like rats are nocturnal so if you see either during the day then it bad. They typically only emerge at night to feed as apparently dislike lights and hide in dark places, as in your cupboards. It is actually true that cockroaches are associated with filthy and dirty environments, although this isn’t necessarily always true. Cockroaches feed on just about anything, from food to cardboard. Do to the fact that they are in contact with every form of garbage – they harbour many forms of bacteria and microorganisms. Hence, when they come into contact with any of our food, there is a chance that it will become contaminated. Cockroaches can be found hiding under kitchen appliances, sinks, cupboards and pantries. They also may be hiding in your living room, crawlspace and attic. Prevention: keep your home clean and tidy, take out your garbage regularly, remove clutter and stored relics and seal up any cracks and crevices around the outside of your house.

Spider beetles – almost nothing to be afraid of

There is little to fear about spider beetles, they really are beetles that look very much like tiny spiders. They have six legs and a round body with a smooth outer shell, which makes them look like spiders. Spider beetles also look like bed bugs because they have similar shape are reddish brown like adult bed bugs. There is no known health risks associated with spider beetles but they will bite us and our pets. They are foragers and for the most part are nocturnal: most active at night. Spider beetles, similar to cockroaches, will eat almost anything from seeds to wool and leather to animal feces. And yes they love herbs, spices and other plants, where most people find them. Spider beetles usually get into your house by hitchhiking a ride on just about anything you bring in. They hide in cracks and crevices and can easily get into food packaging by chewing their way through the outer packing to the food inside. Since spider beetles like so many different types of food, they can be found in almost every room in your house, so if you spot one of these spider beasts, give us a call at go green pest control and terminators and we will take the bite out of those spiders beetles.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA

Does your Furniture have Dandruff?

Powderpost beetles leave wood peppered with pinholes when the larvae produce fine wood powder as they tunnel through the wood. There are three beetles that chew through wood: lyctid, bostrichid and anobiid beetles. The Anobiids are the only type that attacks both softwoods (house lumber) and hardwoods (mostly cabinetry and furniture). The moisture content needs to be over 14% for larvae to develop but most homes are 10%, therefore usually only in attics and crawl spaces. Lyctid beetles lay eggs in fresh hardwood and will not attack treated or finished wood. Bostrichids beetles are similar to Lyctid beetle activities needing relatively high moisture and starch content. The powder these different larvae produce is mostly produced from late winter to late spring. Individual pieces of furniture can be fumigated for these beetles and their larvae but if the beetles are in beams or other non-movable wood the whole room or house would need to be fumigated. An alternative to fumigation is heat treatment; the wood would need to be heated to 48 to 60 degrees celsius for about one day. The beetles and larvae can also be frozen for the same amount of time.


Blister beetles and Warts

Blister beetle, sometimes known as oil beetles (Spanish fly), secretes an irritating substance called cantharidin produced as a defensive secretion. The beetle does not have a stinger and cannot bite. So, Blister beetles discrete cantharidin to protect themselves from being eaten by predators. When collected, cantharidin is used medically as a topical skin treatment to remove warts. Cantharidin works by causing a blister to form under the wart. The blister cuts off the blood supply to the wart, causing the ward to die without scarring. In the past, inducing blisters was a common cure for many illnesses. It was also a major ingredient in so-called Spanish fly love potions. The best way to avoid contact with blister beetles is wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants when in areas where you are likely to encounter them, central interior of B.C. If a blister beetle is encountered, gently remove it and don’t crush it.


How long do Ants live?

Generally, ants have a short life cycle, but some colony members can live from as little as a few days to as long as a few decades. Male ant adults live for only a few days and die after mating with the females. So one of the most important factors affecting lifespan of the females is their status, are they a queen or a workers that occupy the ant colony. Queen ants are the egg-laying members of the colony and may live for many years. Worker ants, the non-reproducing female, do most of the work needed to support and maintain the colony, live for a few days to several months. Other criteria that affect the longevity of ants depend upon a number of factors such as: species, location, predators, availability of food, available shelter. For an example, odorous indoor house ant workers live up to three years, while a fire ant worker only lives for about five weeks. The life span of workers is greatly affected by the availability of quality food, if food sources become scarce; the workers are the last to eat.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA



Coping with Wasps and Hornets

This summer we have seen twice the number of wasp call outs than in the previous four years. The dry spring and hot summer has led to a substantial rise in wasp (and hornet) nests and an increase in swarm strikes. So, what should you do if you are attacked by wasp or a swarm of wasps? Yes, everyone’s reaction to a wasp or wasps flying around their head is to swing at it. Swinging at wasps sometimes has the opposite effect, you can actual be provoking them to attack. When you get too close to a wasp nest, initially, one or two wasps will give you a warning sting as they fly too or from their nest. If you happen to stick around or actually disturb the nest then those wasps will release pheromones that induce defensive behaviour, so the one or two wasps around you will turn into several dozen angry wasps. So, what do we recommend when irritated wasps attack? Remain calm and slowly walk away from them and don’t swat at them (okay, nobody can do this – just run fast). If you get stung, wash with soap and water, apply ice to reduce swelling and pain, use pain relievers if it is too sore and finally talk to a pharmacist about antihistamines to slow the swelling.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA


What do Barn Owls really eat?

A pair of Barn owls can consume over 2,000 native or invasive mammals per year. It has long believed that Barn owls diet consisted of rats and mice but new research has found that their diet is actually made up of 85% shrews and voles (easier to catch then rats and mice), and 12% mice and 2% rats. Because their diet only includes 2% rats the likelihood that they will be injured by second hand poisoning is far less than once believed. Now it has been revealed that Norway rats and house mice are only a small percentage of the diet of owls, as they will consume a wider variety of invasive mammals. The study proves barn owls will take advantage of altered conditions presented by new arrivals of mammals: birds are adaptable to prey that is available regardless if the prey is native or invasive, and it shows these owls are flexible enough to survive with important variations in habitation and food supply.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA

