Do Squirrels actually cause damage?

Is a squirrel, a fuzzy tailed rat, nobody knows. Squirrels cause the most damage in commercial tree seed and seedling orchards by debarking branches and eating tree cones and seeds. In Delta, they normally cause marginal damage to trees and seeds, but can completely damage destroy electrical wires, short out transformers and chew holes in a home’s siding, fascia, soffit and tearing up insolation, any of which can cost thousands to fix. When a squirrel gets into an electrical equipment room of a building they can cause widespread damage to the heating and air conditioning system. Although rare, they can cause damage to lawns by digging holes to burry nuts. They do more damage to the bark and twigs of landscaping trees and bushes from chewing. A habit that irks bird lovers is the damage they do to bird feeders while getting to and eating birdseed. Squirrels in a home attic may create altogether different problem by affecting the chances of getting a good night’s sleep. Squirrel activity in an attic space can generate noises that often cause nervousness and worry for the homeowner. Most tree squirrels are active in the daytime and less active in the evening but nighttime activities can cause noise that interferes with the occupant’s ability to get a good night’s sleep. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky