Bug Blog

The Odorous Ants Are Here

Yes every year we wait for the arrival of the odorous ants to appear. Late winter they magically appear almost every year in the beginning of March. The most distinguishable feature of this ant is their smell, once crushed they give off a distinctive unpleasant lemony or awful coconut smell. Similar to Pharaoh’s ants, these ants build nests in wall crevices, near heaters, water pipes, under carpets, under floors and panels. Kitchens, pantries and cupboards are their favorite nesting locations as long as there is a source of moisture close, usually near a leaky pipe (under sinks). They will consume all sugar and protein based foods, dairy, vegetables and fruits. These are one of the few ants that we have that actually bite (again similar to Pharaoh’s ants). As usual, most people will try to eliminate these guys with all the retail store ammunition that they can get their hands on, but applying liquid and aerosol pesticides often create more problems. Once the queen(s) detect danger they scatter up and down walls creating more nesting sites, this is called budding. Once summer has set in, winged male and female reproductives are produced. These flying ants swarm out of the nest, mate and the fertilized female begins the new colony. Before you attempt to get rid of an Odorous ant infestation, fire over an email to me at gogreenpestcontrol.ca @gmail.com and I can walk you through the steps.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky

The Palmetto Bug a.k.a German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is one of the most common roaches found in Delta. Cockroaches hitchhike indoors on luggage, boxes or packages. They like moisture, food, and warmth so sanitation is critical in controlling this palmetto bug. All it takes is bringing in one egg capsule, and in six months you will be calling a specialist. They usualy can be seen during the night but if you see them during the day, there its likely you have a significant infestation present. German cockroach will eat almost anything(not unlike rats), including leather, books, packaging, plastic and hot peppers. Infestations are often at their worst in the summer, when one pair of cockroaches can produce 10,000 offspring. Cockroaches carrier diseases such as Salmonella, Dysentery and Gastroenteritis and their feces have even been linked to increases in eczema and asthma.  Did you know?

1) A cockroach can live for a week without its head and only dies because without a mouth, it can’t drink water and dies of thirst.

2) A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes.

3) Cockroach like alcoholic beverages, especially beer because of the hops and sugar.

4) Cockroaches originated more than 280 million years ago.

5) They are cold-blooded bugs and can live without food for one month, but will only survive one week without water.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Ant Wars -Royal Guards become Frontline Fodder

Ants attack and defend themselves by biting, stinging and injecting or spraying chemicals, such as acid, alkaloids and piperidines.  When some species of ant go to war, the oldest soldiers fight on the front lines, these frontline soldiers (females first) are really just cannon fodder as they are closer to death (just too old) anyway. The older soldiers (all sterile) ants actually blocked the nest opening with their huge jaws against approaching invading ants and get picked away one by one. As the ants age their tasks as soldiers switch to more dangerous ones as the younger soldiers take less defensive positions within the nest becoming the royal guards, protecting the queen. The younger soldiers are inclined to choose inner nest defence, a much less risky positioning than defending the nest entrance. It was found that the older soldiers were not actually more or less effective at nest defence, so their age rather than their military experience promoted to the front. In nature, the young survive allowing them to promote their lifetime involvement to the nests success.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Are Greenhouse Lights creating Ecological Dead Zones?

The introduction of artificial light represents one of the most drastic changes we have made to our environment. Plants and animals depend on earth’s daily cycle of light and dark rhythm to govern life-sustaining behaviors such as reproduction, food, sleep and shelter from predators. Scientific studies have suggested that greenhouse lights at night have a negative and deadly effect on many creatures including birds, mammals and insects. Greenhouse light can affect mammals in many ways, such as changes in foraging patterns, predation risk escalations, biological and circadian clock interruptions, and changes in distribution patterns in artificially lit landscapes. Light pollution turns night into day. In general, light favors a predators’ attempt to find food, which is why so many prey animals seek the cover of darkness: prey species use darkness as cover and predators use light to hunt. A variety of nocturnal mammals avoid open areas in greenhouse lit conditions. Herbivores eat less food in greenhouse lite nights to avoid predators. While artificial night lighting may in the short term seem beneficial for the predators, it is not beneficial for the prey species and may not even benefit the predator species in the long term. Birds that hunt and migrate at night navigate by moonlight and starlight. Artificial light can cause them to roam off course and toward the dangerous nighttime landscapes, migrate too early or too late and miss ideal climate conditions for nesting and foraging.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky


The common housefly: did you know…

The housefly is the most common insect we encounter. Other than being a nuisance to us, they can be a huge concern due to the impact they can have on consumer health. Their breeding, feeding and how they get around are quite different from most insects we encounter. Houseflies benefit ecologically from their association with us and our domesticated animals. As humans exploring new lands by boats, ships and finally aircraft, house flies have always traveled with us. Strangely, house flies are rarely found in places where humans are absent. Here are a few facts on flies you may want to be aware of.

  1. Houseflies poop a lot, in fact almost every time they land. So next time one lands on your food you could swat away the food with the fly, think Salmonella and E.coli.
  2. They are relatively young insects in the world only 70 million years vs other insects that have been around for 250 million years.
  3. Houseflies multiply quickly, one pair of flies could (if conditions where just right) produce 200 quintillion (200,000,000,000,000,000,000) offspring in 5 months’ time.
  4. Houseflies don’t travel very far, and aren’t very fast (about 7 km per hour).
  5. Houseflies taste with all 6 feet (just think of what they like to land on).
  6. They can see behind themselves because of their large compound eyes, made up of thousands of individual visual receptors.
  7. Houseflies slurp up their food, first they regurgitate digestive juices onto solid foods and once the food solitaries they drink it up.
  8. A male house flies has a ‘love spot’ on its eyes. It used to detect and chase down female flies.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky


Eviction Notice: All Squirrels Must Leave

Yes it’s that time of year again when squirrels are knocking on the door looking  for room and board. But of course they never ask, they just move into the attic and hope for forgiveness later. Attic: warm, safe and insulated – what more could a squirrels ask for. Yet, they are far too destructive to allow them to become a “squatter” in your house. Just to mention a few problems about these unlawful tenants: relentless chewers of wood and electrical wires (starting fires), urine stains on the ceiling where they nest, nesting materials brought into the attic containing insects and of course the smell. The best way to get squirrels out of the attic is to find all the spots that they are using to access the roof and the ingress spot where they are getting into the attic and wire them up. But, a one way cage needs to be installed to let them out, but not in. Of course, depending on your age and abilities, it might be simpler to seek help from us at Go Green Pest Control. If you are hearing noises, get on top of it before the babies are born, these things rarely go away on their own.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Raccoons: Distemper and Rabies

The second leading cause of death of raccoons is distemper (the #1 is human intervention). Raccoons are susceptible to infection by both canine and feline distemper which causes the illness and death by two completely different viruses. Canine distemper is common when raccoon populations are large. The virus is widespread and mortality in juveniles is higher than in adults. Feline distemper (cat fever) is an acute, highly infectious viral disease. Canine distemper in raccoons starts slowly, with respiratory infections then they develop pneumonia. In the final stage of the disease, the raccoon may begin to wander aimlessly in a circle with bizarre behaviour as a result of brain damage. Many of these symptoms are similar to rabies – which can only be determined by laboratory testing. There is no treatment for distemper and vaccination is the only prevention. Raccoon rabies is a strain of rabies carried mainly by raccoons which can spread to pets and people. An infected raccoon will show signs of aggression, lethargy (slow, disoriented or confused), unaware of noises, loss of leg function due to paralysis, and have trouble drinking, swallowing, or chewing. There is no treatment for animals infected with rabies – only death.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Leptospirosis: Rats to Dogs to Humans

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that can cause fatal infection of the kidney, liver, brain, lung or heart. Signs and symptoms can range from mild headaches, muscle pains, and fevers to severe bleeding in the lungs and a person to turning yellow from kidney failure. There are 13 different genetic types of Leptospira that may cause disease in humans. Although disease cannot be spread from human to human, health providers have found that leptospirosis can be transmitted to humans by domestic animals.  The Leptospira germs that cause leptospirosis is carried in the urine of rats. If domestic animals, such as dogs, cats, cattle, pigs and horses are not properly managed the germs can get into their food source. Once a domestic animal becomes infected with Leptospirosis the germ can easily be transmitted to us through contact. In many cases, problems develop around waste disposal or rather the lack of it, can lead to an increase in the population of rats, and so the suspected cases of leptospirosis will increase.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Silverfish Outbreak

Delta’s long, harsh winter has resulted in a 150% increase in silverfish call-out so far this year. This carrot shaped, armoured plated creature is one of the most primitive of living insects in the world. They can live over three years and survive as long as a year without feeding. They require damp and humid conditions, and flourish in kitchens, laundry rooms, attics and crawl spaces. Household item that they like to be around and consume include: books, paper, paintings, fabrics, carpets, coffee, sugar, pasta, hair, beef, oats, dead skin and shampoo. In small numbers, silverfish are really just a nuisance but once they become a full blown infestation they can become a serious issue for a home. To help prevent the occurrence of these pests in your home: get any leaks in pipework fixed, keep dust and debris to a minimum, vacuum often and store food in containers with tightly sealed lids, dehumidify with fans, dehumidifiers, or by opening windows. For help with a silverfish infestation, you can get in contact with us at gogreenpestcontrol.ca @gmail.com

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky


Ants show the true meaning of effective communication

The best result of effective communication is combined understanding and purpose, when communication fails time is wasted and systems can fail. Communication is vital to ant’s survival. Ants are not ruled by their queen particularly but rather by communication amongst the colony. This can be seen when an ant searches for food, the ant will leave a chemical trail by touching the ground with its body on the way back to the nest once it has discovered a food source. Similarly, if a nest becomes uninhabited, lookout ants search in all direct to find a new location, again they each leave chemical trails to communicate their discoveries. So the next time you see an ant just wandering around, it has a purpose in mind. If that ant finds food within minutes there will likely be several ants there to share in the spoils and take the food back to the nest. Other ants will vibrate their abdomen to engage other ants when they find a food source, this vibration can be felt by other ants legs – as far as a couple meters away. For more information on ants, you can always go to me website at gogreenpestcontrol.ca and discover all kinds of interesting facts about our local ants.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky

