Ants show the true meaning of effective communication

The best result of effective communication is combined understanding and purpose, when communication fails time is wasted and systems can fail. Communication is vital to ant’s survival. Ants are not ruled by their queen particularly but rather by communication amongst the colony. This can be seen when an ant searches for food, the ant will leave a chemical trail by touching the ground with its body on the way back to the nest once it has discovered a food source. Similarly, if a nest becomes uninhabited, lookout ants search in all direct to find a new location, again they each leave chemical trails to communicate their discoveries. So the next time you see an ant just wandering around, it has a purpose in mind. If that ant finds food within minutes there will likely be several ants there to share in the spoils and take the food back to the nest. Other ants will vibrate their abdomen to engage other ants when they find a food source, this vibration can be felt by other ants legs – as far as a couple meters away. For more information on ants, you can always go to me website at and discover all kinds of interesting facts about our local ants. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky