Bug Blog

Garbage Bees- A new colony begins NOW!

In these warmer days of spring, a queen wasp emerges from its winter hibernation. The number one priority is to find suitable locations to build new nest, likely near the location that she was born. The new queen lays both queen eggs and drone eggs and by the end of the wasp season she will have laid as many as 1,000 new queens for the next year. She makes a small nest to begin her new colony until new workers take over foraging and taking care of her. She must search for food to feed her first worker larvae. If you notice an enormous numbers of wasps near your home or garden then it is likely that there is a nest nearby. A wasp nest in summer/autumn can contain many thousands of wasps. Wasps “generally” do not attack or sting unless they feel threatened, harmed or you are close to their nest. When they do attack, wasps and hornets are aggressive and will sting repeatedly. Wasps’ behaviour will change in late summer as their need for more protein increases, therefore this is when you are more likely encounter them.  It is important to treat a wasp nest as soon as you see the new nest. Removing a wasp nest is a multifaceted procedure and necessitates professional help. To avoid the risk of painful wasp stings and allergic reactions, go green pest control.ca strongly advises you not to try to remove a wasp nest yourself. Remember, treating a wasp nest can result in serious injury to yourself or others if you incite a wasp riot.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy Bilesky BsF CPA gogreenenvironmental.ca




RCTWCS – Rodent chewed through wire covering Syndrome

The latest generation of rats – Gen Alpha loves soy-based wiring of newer vehicles. Rats that are seeking shelter discover a vehicle engine compartment is exactly what they are looking for, and then, they find the soy based wiring. Why soy, well it is environmentally commendable, as car manufactures are trying to be greener. Soy-based wire coating is only one of the many natural products used, such as sisal and flax for insulation and seat cushions made from coconut shell materials. Rats chew through wires in vehicles for nesting materials and to sharpen their teeth. Rats chewing through wires can cause problems from the vehicle not starting, to running poorly – with the check-engine light on, as well, rats nesting materials could even start a fire when exposed wires get hot. This type of damage isn’t covered under warranty and some insurance companies may only cover the damage if owners pay the deductible. People try moth balls or pepper spray in the engine compartment but the fumes can be unhealthy. Alternatives included peppermint oil, rodent repellents, copper screens and capsicum electrical tape. One of the best ways to reduce rodent damage is to reduce the number of rats in your area. Keep tight fitting lids on your garbage cans, don’t leave your pets food or water outdoors, clean up their feces, keep garages clean, get rid of bird feeders or at least keep the ground below them clean and finally remove wood piles and ivy from buildings. Give us a call at go green pest control.ca, I guarantee our work will cost a lot less than the mechanics bills and all the inconveniences that come along with rogue rodent activities.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca gogreenenvironmental.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA



Pavement Ants, Again!

Although these little ants live inside, they get their name because they spend most of their lives under cracks in pavement, bricks and pavement stone. Pavement ant nests can be as large as 5,000 participants and have numerous queens. These pesky ants will eat virtually everything, including other ants, insects, grease, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts, cheese and plastic. This ant gets its name because it most commonly nests in soil under slabs, sidewalks, patios, and driveways but can be found indoors in the foundation and walls of your house. The pavement ant can sometimes be confused with the grease ant that lives year around indoors and is a little smaller than the pavement ant. To help rid yourself of these freeloaders: eliminate standing water as insects like the pavement ant and mosquitoes are attracted to moisture. Keep tree branches and other shrubs away from the house. Check to see if there are cracks or openings around the bottom of your structures and seal them with chalking. Firewood and debris should not be stored up against your house. Ants love wet stacks of wood. If your ants are worrying you, give us a call at go green pest control and we will have a trained technician come out and put the boot down on your pests.

https://gogreenpestcontrol.ca/pavement-ants-again/ gogreenpestcontrol.ca gogreenenvironmental.ca

Tsawwassen Delta Ladner Randy Bilesky BsF CPA


Raccoon Removal – Babies and All

Carpenter Ants – Should you be concerned?

Carpenter ants are well known for their aptitude to destroy wooden structures. They are also a annoyance in homes as they search for food. Carpenter ants eat both plant and animal stuff. Their usual food sources are insects, other small invertebrates, and sweet body fluids from aphids and other insects. Protein and sugary foods found in and around homes also provide nourishment for scavenging workers. Carpenter ants build nests by digging into wood. They dig galleries much longer than those created by termites. The wood is not eaten, but thrown from the nest as sawdust-like shavings. Which is the reason why you are reading this blog.  Give us a call at go green pest control and we can stop the unintended remodeling theses ants intend on doing.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C.  Randy BsF CPA


The Bullet Ant – very nasty

The bullet ant – Paraponera clavata, has the most painful bite of any ant, in fact it is described as being shot by a bullet. The pain is apparently excruciating at the sting point and the venom of the stinger can actually cause you to have severe muscle spasms. If you were to hang around for more than one bite you most likely would end up in the infirmary or worse. They are also the second largest ant next to the giant Amazonian ant which is also found in the forests of Central America and South America. Some innate tribes use these ants to turn a boy into a man. Elders of the tribe put several bullet ants into a woven mitt and the boy has to keep his hand in the mitten for 10 minutes. The pain from the bite last for 24 hours and the ritual is done a total of 20 times. While you probably won’t ever have a problem with angry Bullet Ants you may have an irritating plain ant problem taking over your kitchen, and if that is the case you need a Professional to help you with that. Call go green pest control and ask about our ant control service. We have a plan that will work for you!

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA  gogreenenvironmental.ca


The Hummingbird Moth

The hummingbird moth flies and moves just like a real hummingbird. Similarly, they can remain suspended in the air in front of a flower while they open up their long tongues and insert them in flowers to drink the nectar (some of the pollen that gets stuck to their upper body transfers to the flower). And again, they even emit an audible hum like hummingbirds. These little moths do actually look like a hummingbird except it has six legs, antennae and a proboscis (tubular mouthparts used for feeding and sucking). They tend to live in open woodlands, gardens and meadows, and are very good pollinators. There are two types of hummingbird moths that live in the Canada: the Snowberry Clearwing and the Hummingbird Clearwing. They are called clearwings because they have clear areas on their wings that look like panes of stained glass windows. When they hatch, the entire wing has scales on it but after the first flight attempt, the scales fall off revealing the clear patches. The theory is that the clear wings mimic the appearance of bees, wasps and hornets, so that predators will not bother them. These guys are day-flying moths, where most moths come out at night.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA




Plerergate Honey Pot Ants

The role of honey ants is quite simple, get immense, plump and succulent. They become fuel tanks of the colony. It starts when workers bring them food and they gorge themselves, their abdomens become bloated with the liquid and they look like honey pots. This condition is called plerergate and their bloated bellies can reach the size a cherry tomato. The food is stored in the form of water, liquids and body fats. These inflatable honey pots are usually found deep in the nest, hanging upside down from nests ceilings. Once the pleregated ants are completely puffed-up, they become immovable. Now depending on the type ant, the plerergate will martyr itself and are totally eaten by its fellow ants, or they just spit open and disperse the sugary solution. In the case where the plerergate is used a gas station, the workers simply stoke its antennae and this triggers it to regurgitate its bounty. Honey ants are usually found in hot desert areas or in very dry – yet cool woodlands. They are edible, as the liquid has a very sweet taste and regarded as a charming dessert.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA



Not Your Average Pet

Many species of flower mantis are popular as pets. These mantises actually attracted more insects than the real flowers. Flower mantises are a species of praying mantis that mimic flowers, in this case, a rainforest orchid of Southeast Asia, to lure pollinating insects. Their changing colours are an example of destructive mimicry, a form of camouflage in which a predator’s colours and patterns bait prey. Their behaviour varies, but typically involves climbing a plant, and then staying still until a prey insect comes within range. This tiny bug measures between 1 to 2 inches, when they’re first born, nymphs are mostly black and look almost like ants. When threatened, the insects raise their forewings, making themselves look larger; this is called a deimatic display. And finally, Flower Mantis is cannibalistic, as usual, the males is the one that loses its head, literally.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca tsawwassen Ladner Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky



Asian Giant Hornets – The Killer   

The Asian Giant Hornets is considered the deadliest of all the hornet species. Measuring a whopping 4 cm in length, the queen can be as long as 5 cm, they have a hideous “black tooth” used for burrowing and other scary things and the queen can produce as many 2,000 offspring monsters a year. They kills over 100 people each year and injure as many as 3,000 with their powerful venomous sting. The venom carries a double punch, a sting can trigger a deadly anaphylactic reaction, causing airway closure then cardiac arrest or then venom overwhelms your red blood cells, which causes kidney failure, and death. These sting beasts are as thick as a thumb, and its MMA (mixed martial arts)-like behavior makes it a merciless raider. When the giant hornet decides to head out on a honeybee scouting mission, it recruits a horde of its fellow killers and attacks a honey hive. Not surprisingly, 30 hornets are known to kill about 35,000 bees in their bee hive in just over two hours. The Asian Giant Hornets kill the bees by splitting or tearing the bees apart with their jaws. The end game is to get to the defenceless bee larvae, which are consumed and used as feed for their own nests. And, the giant hornets are attracted to human sweat, alcohol and sweet flavors and smells.
