The Bullet Ant – very nasty

The bullet ant – Paraponera clavata, has the most painful bite of any ant, in fact it is described as being shot by a bullet. The pain is apparently excruciating at the sting point and the venom of the stinger can actually cause you to have severe muscle spasms. If you were to hang around for more than one bite you most likely would end up in the infirmary or worse. They are also the second largest ant next to the giant Amazonian ant which is also found in the forests of Central America and South America. Some innate tribes use these ants to turn a boy into a man. Elders of the tribe put several bullet ants into a woven mitt and the boy has to keep his hand in the mitten for 10 minutes. The pain from the bite last for 24 hours and the ritual is done a total of 20 times. While you probably won’t ever have a problem with angry Bullet Ants you may have an irritating plain ant problem taking over your kitchen, and if that is the case you need a Professional to help you with that. Call go green pest control and ask about our ant control service. We have a plan that will work for you! Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA