Carpenter Ants – Should you be concerned?

Carpenter ants are well known for their aptitude to destroy wooden structures. They are also a annoyance in homes as they search for food. Carpenter ants eat both plant and animal stuff. Their usual food sources are insects, other small invertebrates, and sweet body fluids from aphids and other insects. Protein and sugary foods found in and around homes also provide nourishment for scavenging workers. Carpenter ants build nests by digging into wood. They dig galleries much longer than those created by termites. The wood is not eaten, but thrown from the nest as sawdust-like shavings. Which is the reason why you are reading this blog.  Give us a call at go green pest control and we can stop the unintended remodeling theses ants intend on doing. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C.  Randy BsF CPA