Asian Giant Hornets – The Killer   

The Asian Giant Hornets is considered the deadliest of all the hornet species. Measuring a whopping 4 cm in length, the queen can be as long as 5 cm, they have a hideous “black tooth” used for burrowing and other scary things and the queen can produce as many 2,000 offspring monsters a year. They kills over 100 people each year and injure as many as 3,000 with their powerful venomous sting. The venom carries a double punch, a sting can trigger a deadly anaphylactic reaction, causing airway closure then cardiac arrest or then venom overwhelms your red blood cells, which causes kidney failure, and death. These sting beasts are as thick as a thumb, and its MMA (mixed martial arts)-like behavior makes it a merciless raider. When the giant hornet decides to head out on a honeybee scouting mission, it recruits a horde of its fellow killers and attacks a honey hive. Not surprisingly, 30 hornets are known to kill about 35,000 bees in their bee hive in just over two hours. The Asian Giant Hornets kill the bees by splitting or tearing the bees apart with their jaws. The end game is to get to the defenceless bee larvae, which are consumed and used as feed for their own nests. And, the giant hornets are attracted to human sweat, alcohol and sweet flavors and smells.