Skunk and Raccoon Latrines

Skunk and Raccoon Latrines

Believe it or not, skunks and raccoons actually have terrestrial toilets called latrine sites, a communal location to routinely expel their urine and feces.  The animals use latrine sites as territorial markers, for ritual behavior, social networking and sanitation. These latrine sites are places where several animals use the same area repeatedly and sometimes at the same time. This is a major problem in Delta as these dump sites can become quite large and messy. Often in people back yards near fences, around trees and on roofs of homes, garages and sheds. Each animal leaves their calling card with different characteristics. Both sexes of raccoons visit latrine sites and often more than a few different ones weekly.  Besides being unsightly, they can be a hazard for both humans an pets because of pathogens and diseases can be in the feces such as roundworm and other disorders.  Always take care when cleaning or removing any animal wastes. ‎ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.B., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF