Why so many carpenter ants in my house?

The presence of a large number of carpenter ants in your house…

Pests In Your Lawn

Overall, maintaining a healthy lawn through proper cultural practices…

Nematodes - Grubs - Raccoons

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that can play a role in…

Crows and European chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis)

Crows are known to eat a variety of insects, including grubs.…

Managing Skunk, Raccoon and Crow Damage to Lawns

To manage skunk and raccoon and crow damage to lawns, particularly…

Grubs and raccoons and skunks and crows, and oh what a mess.

Grubs and raccoons and skunks and crows, and oh what a mess.…

Rats and Warm Weather

Indeed, warmer temperatures can significantly impact rat behavior…

Spider Farming For Pest Control

Spider farming for…