Yellow Jackets: What not to do!!!

Now is the time of year that Yellow jackets are most aggressive.…

Yellow Jackets - Designed by the Devil

The yellow jacket is one of the most menacing insects known…

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs literally coming out of the wood works to die …

Bald Faced Hornets – Packing a Punch

The bald-faced hornet gets its name from its strikingly white…

Ants!!!! Sugar and Baking Soda mix…

Drain Flies: Bleach or Plumber?

Summer is the time of year that we start to see fruit flies,…

Delta residents are freaking out – FLYING ANTS

July 4th saw Independence Day for Americans and we saw a…

Carpenter Bees - large and small

Carpenter bees come in two sizes, but the one that does all…

Clover Mites - Parthenogenesis

If you have ever seen somebody's house that has a clover…