Insect Armageddon

Around the globe there is a significant change in populations’…

Halloween - Creepy, Crawly, Spooky and Scary

It’s no wonder that Halloween haunted houses are decorated…

When will Spider Season Reign End 'People…

'People panic:' Expert says massive spider season upon us

  CBC Meteorologist predicts when this season's frightful…

Bees, Bumblebees and winter vacations

  Although bumble bees are thought to be the big…

Jack-o-lantern and rodents –Trick’em or Treat’em

Well we are bearing done on Halloween now and if you haven’t…

How do Ants Communicate?

How do ants communicate, first we must ask, why do they crawl…

Cockroaches: Do you have them??

Cockroaches are normally nocturnal, active at night, unless…

Brown Recluse Fiddler Spider

Although these spiders aren’t aggressive, and rarely bite…

Life as a Groundhog

The average lifespan of a groundhog is quite short, three…

City Rats are the Real Fat Cats

  Over the last millennium, rats have become one…

False widow spiders, what not to fear?

The false widow spider (Steatoda Nobilis) can be spotted…

Mice Infestation Session

Those inquisitive petite mice that spent the summer scavenging…

It’s a tough life for Silverfish

The average lifespan of silverfish is between 3 months and…

Animals Hoards

In this business, we occasionally get called out to a house,…

The growth of Soldier Ants

In most ant colonies, the ratio of worker ants to soldier…

Evict unwanted Pests this Fall

Along with the cooler wet weather, autumn tends to generate…

Rodent Bumper Crop

Delta homeowners should steady themselves for an assault…

Why are dead cockroaches always belly-up?

Have you ever noticed that most insects that you find dead…

A little Batty in your Attic?

So you hear noises in your attic, okay you have squirrels,…

Autumn Stink Bugs

Well now that autumn has set in, you may have noticed that…

Raccoon Zombies

Raccoon zombies are actually raccoons that have distemper,…

Dragonflies and Damselflies

There are 87 species of dragonflies and damselflies in B.C.…