Woodlouse, just won’t leave

Yes those little bugs that look like mini turtles with that segmented shell are woodlouse, an arthropod found in moist places such as dirt, stacked logs, leaves and under boards or other rubble that lies flush on the ground. In nature, they live comfortably outdoors but given the opportunity they will get into your carport, through sliding glass doors, garage and other damp environments such as a basement and crawl space. The best way to prevent woodlouse is eliminating their hiding places because if there isn’t damp harborages, the sowbugs will leave or die. If you would like to reduce the number of woodlouse invading your home here are a few things you can do:

1) Make sure exterior doors close tightly, the weather stripping and door sweeps maybe missing or damaged. If you have a crawlspace, make sure the vents are open and free of obstructions to allow ventilation.

2) Waterproofing might help remove dampness on basement walls. A dehumidifier can help reduce the dampness in a basement.

3) Keep dirt, leaves and mulch away from the concrete foundation of your house, at least 25 cm away. This usually stops pests from nesting to close to the house. Trim branches of shrubs and trees if they cause dampness or shade near the foundation.

4) If you are one of those lucky people that still have a working fireplace, stack firewood off of the ground and away from the house.

5) Have your downspouts cleaned and make sure they drain away from the foundation.

6) Chemical treatment is not always necessary indoors if the affected areas can be dried out and any woodlouse can be removed with a vacuum or broom.

gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky

