Mosquitos – Bite!

It’s only mid-June, not even summer yet and the mosquitos are out in force. Two things about mosquitos that really bug me (pun intended), of course when they bite you and when they get inside your house, find your bedroom and circle your head like vultures when you want go to sleep. That characteristic buzz – when it sounds like they are about to fly right into your ear hole. I just happen to have that delicious O positive blood, which everyone wants to have – so I guess I’m a prime target for mosquitoes too. So being bitten is just the start, perhaps you might have felt the injection of their proboscis, that nasty needle that sucks out the blood and leaves a little reminder behind telling you that you have been hit be a smooth criminal. Now the itch begins, and as we all know, the more you fuss with the itch the worse it gets. So how can you stop mosquito bites from itching, well you can go out and purchase “after bite” or any of the retail products or you can apply a few home remedies. So, here are a few that are tried and true.

  1. a) Banana peel – the natural oils found within the banana’s skin, fleshy side works.
  2. b) Ice – reduces the redness and swelling, as well it helps with the itching.
  3. c) Oatmeal – relieves itching and swelling because it contains special compounds that have anti-irritant qualities.
  4. d) Menthol Toothpaste – the menthol acts as a cooling agent which keeps you distracted from scratching.
  5. e) Honey – has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce your temptation to itch.
  6. f) Aloe Vera – the vitamins and minerals found in aloe vera reduce the pain, swelling and itching.
  7. g) Baking soda – sodium bicarbonate may provide relief from a mosquito bite.
  8. h) Basil – a chemical compound called eugenol may relieve itchy skin.
  9. i) Mosquito potion – mix all the above remedies and make your own Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA