Fleas, on the cat, on the dog and in the carpet.

Fleas on your cat and dog, and in your carpets and on the floor, can be a frustrating issue to deal with. Fleas are tiny, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of animals (and humans, occasionally). Here’s an overview of where they likely came from and how to get rid of them effectively:

Where Did the Fleas Come From?

  1. Outdoor Exposure: Fleas usually come from the environment, often from other pets or wild animals. If your pets have been outside, they could have picked up fleas from other animals, like stray cats, dogs, squirrels, or even raccoons.
  2. Other Pets or Visitors: Fleas can also be transmitted by other pets that visit your home. If any of your neighbors or friends have pets with fleas, they could have entered your home unnoticed.
  3. Infested Furniture or Carpets: Fleas can sometimes hitch a ride into your home on secondhand furniture or even through your shoes if you’ve been in flea-infested areas. Once they’re in your home, they reproduce quickly.
  4. Flea Eggs and Larvae: Fleas lay eggs on your pets, which then fall off into your home (carpets, bedding, furniture, floors). These eggs hatch into larvae, and the cycle continues.

How to Get Rid of Fleas

  1. Treat Your Pets:
  2. Clean Your Home:
  3. Wash Bedding and Fabrics:
  4. Treat the Home with Flea Spray or Powder:
  5. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs):
  6. Flea Traps:
  7. Repeat Treatment:

Prevent Future Fleas

  • Flea Prevention: After you’ve eradicated the current infestation, make sure your pets are on a regular flea prevention plan (monthly treatments). Keep your home clean, and try to limit your pet’s exposure to flea-infested environments.
  • Outdoor Control: If you have a yard, consider treating outdoor areas where fleas may be living, such as shady spots or areas where wildlife might frequent.

It may take some time, but with persistence and the right treatments, you can get rid of the fleas and prevent them from coming back.


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