Ants prefer power napping to regular sleep
It has been proven that power napping can help us be more efficient during the day but worker ants take this to a whole new level. Unfortunately, the Queen only gets frequent naps that add up to eight hours every day. Because ants generally live underground, sleep patterns are not be determined by light and dark cycles. In one colony there are many groups of ants. Each group takes the power nap at the same time while the other groups carry on with their tasks. This avoids any delays as worker ants can take as many as 200 naps per day, each averaging one minute in length. That’s one power nap every 6 minutes, adding up to more than 4 hours of sleep every day. But, the downside of this is that it burns out these little insects easily reducing their lifespan. The ants sleep at irregular intervals and 75 percent of the workers are awake at any given time. It also ensures that enough worker ants are awake at any one time to defend and attend to the colony. The queens can live over six years before they die of old age, whereas workers live on an average of six months.…to-regular-sleep/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA