Attack of the Raccoon Drones


Just like the gutters filling with leaves, going to work in the dark and returning home in the dark and loop track Christmas music in the malls, it’s mid fall now and the raccoons are looking for the closest Hotel 6 to get some sleep. Raccoons have a keen eye for houses that need roof repair and if you thought you saw those glossy eyes staring back at you in the back yard then you are being scouted for a raccoon home invasion. If a raccoon tearing up your shingles to access your attic isn’t enough, now they are coming with more attitude with the upsurge in raccoon distemper. If you are thinking of dealing with a raccoon black-ops by yourself, think about the many dangers in working at heights, possible parasites from the raccoon feces and getting bit by the raccoon itself. Raccoons have been described as dwarf grizzle bears wearing Zorro masks. It’s wise to call someone who knows the dangers of the job.

Here are my tips to RACCOON-PROOF your home

  1. Make sure tree branches and vines do not touch your roof. Cut back all the branches about five feet. Make it as hard as possible for a raccoon to gain access to your roof.
  2. Purchase raccoon proof garbage bins and recycling containers. Setting up a soup kitchen to a passing raccoon will only encourage them to hang-out and text their BFF informing them of the free grub.
  3. Don’t ignore signs that you have had a problem in the past. Raccoons have oil in their fur that can leave a scent behind for years; even if the critter was removed, another may come around, smell the scent and make itself at home.
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