Attention, Hornets and Wasps coming!

Spring and summer is stinging season, as the temperature increases, so does aggressive and territorial stinging insects. Here is what you need to know about them.

First, hornets are social wasps that build their nests anywhere and everywhere in all kinds of different shapes. They are very aggressive if they feel that their nest is in danger -so stay away and avoid making loud noises that will make them emerge and attack. Next, Paper wasps have nests that hang downward and can look like honeycomb pattern usually under a house’s soffits. They are less aggressive but can be hostile if you get too close to their nest. Finally, Yellowjacket, the unprovoked stinging insect most likely to show up at your picnic or barbecue, they are drawn by sugar. They created their nests in attics or soffits or underground and can have thousands of wasps per nest. So what do you do if stung by one or many of these insects, apply ice, use hydrocortisone cream,  take a antihistamine for swelling and a aspirin for pain.

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