Bubba thinks ants are burrowing animals


Bubba Watson called in a rules official in an attempt to take relief from an ant hill, ants are “burrowing animals.”

Bubba (to caddie Ted Scott): “It’s a burrowing animal. It’s digging a hole, so either way you look at it …”

Rules official:”It’s not fire ants or anything. There’s no relief from them. That’s a loose impediment there.”

Bubba:”Okay, but I have a question for you. (Bent over, motioning to ground) Since the animal – it is an animal, right? You agree with that? It’s burrowing. It’s digging a hole. So how would it not be – it was either an ant bed, or it’s an animal digging a hole. It’s either one or the other. It can’t be … ”

Rules official:”Well it’s not classed as a burrowing animal.”


Rules official:”The sand is like a loose impediment.”

Bubba:”So even though they dig in the ground, they’re not considered burrowing. They’re tunnel-making, is what we’re calling them this week. Okay.”

Rules official:”They’re classed as a loose impediment.”

Bubba: “No, I gotcha. So if some guy was allergic to ants, and he got an ant on him, you could care less.”

Rules official:”Unless, unless – (hands up) well we wouldn’t care less – but it’s only if they’re dangerous ants, like the biting, fire ant ones.”

Bubba: “I gotcha.”

Bubba:”Thank you so much.”

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