Cockroaches and Dirty Kitchens

A dirty kitchen can definitely attract cockroaches. Cockroaches are scavengers, and they are opportunistic feeders that will seek out food and water sources in any environment that provides those essentials. A kitchen that is not regularly cleaned or maintained can become an ideal habitat for cockroaches for several reasons: 1. Food Sources: 2. Water Sources:… Continue reading Cockroaches and Dirty Kitchens


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Rat season is approaching!! Late summer, early fall is the time of the year that rats begin to look for a warm secure home. Your home can be the next Bates Hotel if you allow these vermin to access the walls and attic. Here are twenty facts that you should know about rats. 1 A female rat can… Continue reading Rat season is approaching!!


Humane Removal and Exclusion and a Picture of the Raccoon (this applies to all the pests below therefore: brief description and control measures, then a detailed overview about the creature and its impact in our community)