Christmas holidays are over check your luggage for bed bugs
If you are returning from a trip, you should follow these guidelines to avoid bringing bed bugs home with you. Luggage stands in hotel and motel rooms are a hot spot for bed bug activity as they use luggage to travel and infest a new home. When you return from a trip, you might have brought bedbugs home unexpectedly. When you get back home, remember to wash your bed clothes at a temperature of at least 59℃, and use the dryer on high temp for at least 30 minutes as bed bugs can’t survivor in high temperatures. Washing clothing will help eradicate both adult bed bugs and eggs. Also, if you brought your luggage back throw the house the bed bugs may have dropped off so inspect your luggage, clothes, beds and furniture for signs of infestation. If you find out any signs of bed bugs, you should contact a professional pest control exterminator as soon as possible because they can get rid of bed bugs and usually help prevent new infestations.…age-for-bed-bugs/ & Exterminators Delta Ladner Tsawwassen BC Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA RPF