Earth Friendly Mole Control Options

There are several earth-friendly mole control options for our customers, with moles issues being one of the most prevalent calls me take through-out the year. While some people believe that heavy rains or even using a garden hose can eliminate moles by flooding their tunnel systems, moles are intelligent enough to avoid drowning. When a mole is establishing its tunnel system, what they do is they dig a very long and deep hole that then pops out elsewhere at a lower elevation, this is done so that when it rains, the water falls through and then drains out. But that’s not it either, they create an air pressure system with one space of their tunnel system where they can take shelter until the excess water drains. The rest of their gallery could fill with water, but that one air pocket will protect them until the water drains away. Instead of relying on a garden hose to eliminate moles, we offer other more effective earth friendly mole control options, such as a variety of traps and carbon monoxide.…-control-options/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF