Hybrid Pest Control
Interested in green or earth-friendly pest controls, well most so-called green products haven’t been proven to work consistently and effectively as pesticides that have gone through the rigorous efficacy testing and government approvals. Yes you can go down to your local hardware store and source out those natural products that may work and rarely will you be pest free. Green still is more of a concept than a defined pest control practice and you may have to settle for a hybrid solution to your pest issues using natural and chemical solutions. The fact is if you want to Go Green, you will have to have a higher tolerance for insects and rodents. In fact many green solutions use products that are actually toxic, if it kills insects, and then it’s toxic. The fact is, green solutions in pest control take longer to work and required repeated applications. With a hybrid approach, both natural products and traditional pesticides are used. But truly the best solution is prevention, keeping your property inhospitable to insects and rodents by manipulating the surroundings to reduce favourable conditions: putting lids on garbage cans, keeping foliage well-trimmed, eliminating leaf litter, repairing cracks and crevices around buildings and replacing rotten wood on all structures.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA