Mice are nice, outside!



Mice may enter your home uninvited and it can be hard to locate where their nest is, it could be somewhere in your home underneath your floorboards, or they may be living close outside. Mice are very intelligent rodents with high levels of communication, both vocally and fervently. They can sense other mice’s feelings and this alone, can affect how the mouse feels themselves, mice have a range of facial expressions which they share with one another. Mice are clean and tidy, as they have certain areas in their home for storing food, shelter and going to the toilet. They are known for carrying many serious diseases which can affect humans. Therefore it’s important that if you suspect a mouse nest, that you contact a pest control service. As the cooler months will soon be approaching, house mice usually begin to search for a warmer place to nest, such as your home or business as opposed to fields and grassy areas during the summer. They enter a building as they are attracted by the warmth and the smell of food and can enter through pipe openings, under doors and through utility lines. They are known for reproducing very quickly and a female mouse can have up to eight litters a year and are only pregnant for 21 days.

There are many signs to look out for to determine whether you have mice living in your home, some of these signs are:

  • Droppings
  • Footprints
  • Sounds
  • Odour
  • Tunnels and Burrows
  • Chewing and Gnawing
  • http://www.delta-optimist.com/opinion/blogs/deltabc-1.983313/blog-mice-are-nice-outside-1.2043045
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