Raccoons – the nocturnal thieves


If you put out trash, raccoons will come. The masked critters can wreak havoc for residents. Proof to show this is not a new problem, online reviews of apartment complexes show the raccoon problem has always been with us. The smell of food coming from human garbage, compost, and recycling is irresistible to raccoons. It is possible to prevent raccoons from getting into garbage cans. Keep your garbage inside until pick-up day­—organic waste can be kept in a freezer to reduce smells. If garbage cans must be kept outside, store them in a closed shed or garage, or build a wooden lock-box with a padlock to hold the cans. Bungee cords can keep bins closed, but make sure to take them off the morning of garbage pickup. Raccoons are nocturnal, so waiting until the morning of garbage pickup to put out your bins can prevent them from getting in.

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