Shoo Fly Shoo

Because flies only have two wings, they land frequently and transfer thousands of bacteria each time they land. How did they get inside, well besides the obvious – flying through an open window or door, the can enter your houses on food products and clothing. They are attracted to decaying organic stuff in drains and dead things in walls and attics. Because there is an associate between flies and filth, these pests transfer disease organisms when they touch food and surfaces. Flies contaminate or destroy over $1 billion worth of agricultural products annually in Canada. A single fly’s stomach contains billions of microorganisms, while another 500 million more cling to the body of a fly. Flies distribute diseases rapidly because they move rapidly between disease filthy garbage to our exposed food and kitchen work surfaces. Every time a fly lands, it can transfer hundreds if not thousands of microbes which can cause serious illnesses such as bloodstream infections, diarrhea, food poisoning, meningitis, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, and shigella. These pathogens can cause disease in humans and animals such as cholera, bacillary dysentery, hepatitis and typhoid fever. The best way to prevent flies in your home is by keeping doors and windows closed, and screening windows, doors, and vents. Keep garbage cans clean and securely closed, and keeping kitchen working surfaces clean will lessen your chances of flies wanting to get into your house to begin with. ‎

go green pest Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L Bilesky BsF CPA