Simple steps for a pest free summer


When watering around your yard, keep in mind that excess water will cause some pests to move into your home and business to avoid the water. Moles, voles, gophers and mice will seek drier locations when they anticipate a lot of rain.  After heavy rain falls get rid of standing water including bird baths, potted plants, playground toys and troughs. Ants will also seek drier areas to avoid water by moving into your house through cracks or crevices. Therefore check around windows and doors, caulking and weather stripping where necessary. Some tips to decease the chance of pests sharing your property include:

1) Check door and window screens making sure that there are no holes and they fit tight to the frames.

2) By keeping your yard free of debris and clutter reduces the chances of pests taking up residence there. Simple steps like cutting the lawn, changing mulch in garden beds, raking up the leaves, keeping tree limbs and vines away from touching your house, and maintaining healthy compost will detour pest activity.

3) Healthy plants those are not cramped together and free of dead foliage decrease plant diseases and attracting insects.

4) Maintaining clean gutters that allow water to flow easily stops insects from breeding in stagnant water.

5) Yearly cleaning of drains and sinks will help stop the development of a variety of flies.

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