Other than the last couple weeks we in Delta have had an unseasonably warm weather, now finally summer is here. The recent weather has been the perfect conditions for spiders to prosper and become a nuisance in your home. Warmer weather escalates breeding for flying insects, which spiders thrive on. So, with spider population increasing there is always a chance you will walk into a spider’s web and be bitten. The venom in spider bites is harmless to humans, with the exceptions, but some people may have a mild to severe allergic reaction when bitten. Spider’s presence in your home can be a sign of an insect invasion. A few tips to keep spiders at bay include: 1) Vacuuming areas where spiders or spider webs are found such as small cracks and crevices near doorways, window casings, basement walls and door frames, piles of laundry and storage boxes. 2) Keep pet food tightly covered and not leaving food bowls after feeding time. 3) Remove any clutter around the outside of the house, cut back branches or bushes that touch the house. 4) Remove any spider webs that show up on the exterior of your house. 5) If the spiders just won’t go away then call a pest control professional.