The Invasive and Aggressive Electric Ants
Okay, just when you thought that you had heard it all, here comes something really new, Electric Ants. Although the ants are not really electric, they are known to like devices that are, your computer, smartphone, fridges and modern power grids. The electric ant is a golden brown social ant native to Central America and it has now spread to North America. Electric ants are one of the world’s most invasive and aggressive troublesome pests. They actual get their name from the ant’s painful sting – compared to its size. It is very good at reducing the abundance of flying and tree-dwelling insects including spiders, mites and ticks. They also will eat decaying vegetation, seeds, plants and animals. Cats and dogs stung around the eyes by this ant cause blindness. The sting causes 4-5 cm welts that are itchy and painful.…ve-electric-ants/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA