Weird Locations for Vespula vulgaris’ nests (Wasps)

There were an extraordinary number of wasps’ nests in Delta this summer. We had to deal with almost three times as many service calls as last year. Delta was buzzing this summer – but not always in a virtuous way. An epidemic of wasps led to an astonishing number of calls to Go Green Pest Control and Exterminators. During the month of August alone, we responded to 149 requests to deal with the common wasp (hornet), in August 2017 there were just 49. The high number is thought to have been caused by the queen wasps breeding more profusely during the hot dry weather. To keep up with the demand, Randy Bilesky and crew had to add Saturdays to their schedule. Wasp nests turned up in all sorts of places and everyone is different, from bushes to attics and sheds, soffits and fascia. Here are some of the strangest places we have found wasp nests: hanging off of a ladder, in a watering can, on a pair of hedge cutters, stuck to a car door handle, in a bike helmet, inside the bedroom of a Barbie’s house and the driver’s seat of a car. & XTRMN8R Tsawwassen Delta Ladner B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA…aris-nests-wasps/