Yellow Jackets: What not to do!!!

Now is the time of year that Yellow jackets are most aggressive. Taking precautions at this time can help you avoid being stung. Look before you sip your drink. Yellow jackets are attracted to sweet foods and drinks like soda and juices.

Cover trash containers and keep them away from eating areas. Yellow jackets forage in garbage for food scraps and drink containers. Wear heavy clothing when walking in wooded areas. Yellow jackets can sting through lightweight fabrics.

Use our Yellow jacket traps at least 20 feet away from your outdoor activity areas, to keep the yellow jackets away from where you are. Try to remain calm in the presence of yellow jackets. Move slowly and deliberately and gently brush the yellow jacket away if it lands on you.  Ok, now are the things you should NOT DO! Swat at yellow jackets. They are more likely to attack and sting when aggravated. NOT DO! Smash a yellow jacket. When crushed, they give off an alarm pheromone that can cause others in the area to attack. NOT DO! Yellow jackets are attracted to perfume, scented hairspray or lotion, or brightly colored clothes if you are going outdoors. NOT DO! Let children play in overgrown or wooded areas. These are prime nesting sites for yellow jackets. Call us at Go Green Pest Control to remove a yellow jacket nest; this can be a very dangerous task for an unskilful individual.