City Rats are the Real Fat Cats


Over the last millennium, rats have become one of the worlds most despised and prosperous pests in our civilization. Both urban and suburban rats have consistently lived next to human civilization without any concerns of becoming extinct. Rats living in cities have a much richer and consistent diet than rats living in the country. Urban rats have access to more food sources including – a lot of meat, don’t have to share those sources with other animals and they also benefit from cities’ built-up landscapes, which provide plenty of places for rodents to hide and enjoy their stolen meals. Cities are home to higher numbers of trash-producing humans, meaning their rat residents have access to a wide variety of second-hand food sources. Country rats face few competitors when scrounging for food but they have a limited diet, with little to no meat, competing with omnivorous and herbivorous scavenging animals. It is interesting to note that there is a link between rodent diets and human population density. & Exterminators Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy L Bilesky BsF CPA RPF