38 things about Mice

  1. The name mouse comes from “mus”, a Sanskrit word that means thief
  2. They can give birth when they are 2 months old and are able to have 12 pinkies every 3 weeks up to 10 times per year
  3. Will nurse babies that are not their own
  4. Sexual cycle occurs every four to five days
  5. A female mouse can produce over 100 mice per year
  6. Like to eat 15 to 20 times per day
  7. Females housed together tend to go into anestrus and do not cycle
  8. When exposed to a male, a female will go into estrus in about 72 hours
  9. A female mouse is called a doe
  10. A male mouse is called a buck
  11. A baby mouse is called a pinky
  12. Their tails are as long as their bodies
  13. Some do not have any hair at all
  14. Pinkies are weaned at 3 weeks of age.
  15. The average mouse lives one to two years
  16. A full-grown mouse weighs between 0.5 and 1 ounce
  17. Originated in Asia
  18. A mouse can fall 12 feet without injury
  19. Mice see best in dim light
  20. The mouse is ~20 grams in body weight (highly variable)
  21. They can live up to 6 years in captivity
  22. Mice are the third most successful mammal on Earth; after humans and rats
  23. They are afraid to jump off vertical drops
  24. A heart rate of 632 beats per minute
  25. The average water intake 5 ml in 24 hours
  26. The front incisors of mice never stop growing
  27. Mouse urine gives a fluorescent glow that can be detected using a black light
  28. They typically only travel up to 25 feet from their nest
  29. Can see blue and yellow, but can’t tell red from green
  30. Will play dead if they are frightened and cannot quickly escape
  31. They’re nocturnal
  32. They will eat almost anything
  33. The average life span in the wild is 5 months
  34. Unlike rats, mice show no dislike to new items
  35. Constantly leave droppings
  36. They sniff 6 to 15 times per second when aroused or actively exploring
  37. They are afraid to jump off vertical drops
  38. They are exceptionally clean ~ ~ ?
  39. SnipImage
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