All about moles and how to get rid of moles

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that are often considered pests due to their ability to create unsightly tunnels and damage lawns and gardens. Here’s some information about moles and methods for getting rid of them:
  1. Identification: Moles are typically small, cylindrical mammals with velvety fur, small eyes, and powerful front limbs with large claws for digging. They have adapted for an underground lifestyle and spend most of their time tunneling through the soil.
  2. Behavior: Moles primarily feed on earthworms and insects found in the soil. They create complex tunnel systems, including main tunnels used for travel and feeding, as well as shallower tunnels near the surface for foraging. Their digging activity can cause raised ridges and mounds of soil on the surface.

Methods to Get Rid of Moles:

  1. Mole Repellents: Various mole repellents are available, including castor oil-based products and ultrasonic devices that emit sound or vibrations to deter moles. However, the effectiveness of these repellents may vary, and results are often inconsistent.
  2. Physical Barriers: Installing physical barriers can help prevent moles from entering specific areas. For example, burying a barrier made of hardware cloth or wire mesh at least a foot deep around garden beds can help protect plant roots.
  3. Trapping: Trapping is a common method used to remove moles from an area. Traps designed specifically for moles are available, such as harpoon traps or scissor-jaw traps. It’s important to follow local regulations regarding trapping and handle traps safely and humanely.
  4. Habitat Modification: Making the environment less favorable for moles can discourage their presence. Regularly mowing the lawn and reducing excessive moisture levels can make the habitat less suitable for moles.
  5. Professional Assistance: If mole infestation persists or becomes overwhelming, it may be best to seek help from a professional pest control service experienced in mole removal. Call Go Green Pest Control 778-886-4111

It’s important to note that eliminating moles completely from an area can be challenging, as they are persistent diggers and can quickly repopulate if favorable conditions exist. Additionally, some people choose to tolerate moles as they can have positive effects on soil aeration and nutrient cycling.