Ant season is here



Time to do the two step in your kitchen swearing you’ll send them to that great anthill in the sky. Here in Delta we are really are sitting on an ant hill. There are thousands of ant species, but around here we contend primarily with pavement ants, pharaoh ants, odorous ant and the carpenter ants. As far as you’re concerned, they’re not welcome in your house. Fortunately there are worse home invaders such as fleas, cockroaches, moths and bedbugs. Ants are actually good for your garden as they aerate the soil and aid decomposition. In your house the only ant that actually does any damage is the carpenter ants because they chew through wood to create the nest. While the other species are merely an annoyance, carpenter ants cause structural damage. Carpenter ants make an easy jump between trees and branches close to your house, and move easily between your house and feeding on the honeydew created by the aphids on your flowering plants.