Avoiding Wasps Hornets & Bees


Yes it’s fall but there are a few stinging bugs hoovering around. Approximately 1 percent of children and 3 percent of adults will develop a severe reaction when stung.

Here are my tips:

  1. Wasps can crawl inside; do not drink directly out of open cans.
  2. Keep your food covered.
  3. Barefoot on grass is a no no.
  4. Wear light-colored clothing.
  5. Wear long pants and sleeves, and a parka – to be extreme.
  6. Wash out garbage cans and recycling containers and keep lids on them.
  7. Keep windows closed with screens on.
  8. Stinging insects live in bushes, trees, soffits, attics, patio furniture and playground equipment.
  9. Avoid sudden or abrupt movement.
  10. Have a professional pest control company like go green pest control in Delta to remove nests, and inspect other potential nesting areas.
  11. ttps://twitter.com/intent/tweet/complete?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FO3SuEPLwGv8&text=20150930%20083726&latest_status_id=649248215179485185&related=YouTube%2CYouTubeTrends%2CYTCreators&via=YouTube