Bed Bug Smack-down

Bedbugs are small, nocturnal, wingless, parasitic insects that feed on humans and other warm blooded animals. They can travel over 6 meters from their hiding place to you. They hide in small places such as baseboards, cracks in floors, under carpets, behind loose wallpaper, bed frames, sofas and behind picture frames.  There are no health risks or communicable diseases associated with bed bugs but their saliva does contain proteins that can leave itchy red welts. Components in bed bug saliva act as an anesthetic and promote increased blood flow at the bite site, making the feeding nearly painless. Once they inserted the needle, the bed bugs can continue to suck blood for up to 12 minutes. After feeding, bed bugs usually leave behind their telltale calling card: small spots of reddish-black fecal matter on bedding, mattress or box springs. These pests can live for several months without a blood meal. This means they can linger in furniture, bags and suitcases for a long time until they are near a human host again. Bed bugs infestation can spread from one room to the next if there is a shortage of warm bodies and hiding places, furniture is moved around, and vacuum cleaner used for multiple rooms. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Bilesky