Beware, Cockroach crossing


Cockroaches are adaptable and hardy insects, remaining active for a month without feeding and surviving being submerged under water for 30 minutes. Most species of cockroaches are nocturnal and avoid light. They will feed on almost anything in your house.  Bacteriaprotozoa and viruses are commonly found on cockroach bodies and legs which in turn can cause food poisoning, diarrhea and dysentery. Cockroaches enter your home inside bags, boxes, luggage, and other types of containers. Carefully examine any containers for both cockroaches before bringing them indoors. Any food not refrigerated should be stored in insect-proof containers. Leaky pipes should be repaired. Boric acidsilica aerogel, and diatomaceous earth are all dusts that can be applied to cracks and crevices.  There are also commercial cockroach baits and traps available or hire a pest control company.
