Bird feeders – a neighborhood smorgasbord

If you own a bird feeder (we call them rat feeders in the pest world), you’re likely to encounter some of these common problems with your bird feeder. It’s difficult to attract birds to a feeder and not squirrels, mice, rats and a hand full of predators . As it turns out, the bird feeder turns into a neighborhood smorgasbord because they all like the same foods. There are a things you can do to keep them away from your bird feeder, but there’s no promise of victory. Squirrels are hard to outsmart, rats are really persistent and mice are all about the opportunity. You can purchase a squirrel-proof feeder and most work very well. Some are spring loaded and when there’s too much weight on the rests, the springs uncoil and the feeding holes are protected. Squirrels are sneaky and determined, they can bend back the metal leaves that cover the feeding holes. Next, you could try putting an umbrella-shaped plastic or metal barrier on the pole your feeder is hanging from. The idea is to block squirrels and other rodents from climbing past it, but they often do. Bird feeders bring on other predators such as hawks, cats and other predators so you may need to protect the bird feeder. You might also consider surrounding the bird feeder with chicken wire to protect birds.…hood-smorgasbord/ ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF