Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?

Bird feeders or Rodent feeders?


Birds are part of the wildlife experience in Delta. Attracting birds with a bird feeder invites that outdoorsy vibe into your yard. While birds love feeders, they are chaotic eaters and a lot of the seeds end up on the ground. Now some people may think that the wildlife kingdom they created has hit nirvana when the squirrels have arrived but the nocturnal rodents, mice and rats, will be there too. Again, to some they are nice additions to the assortment of creatures, but mice, rats and squirrels are cunning at finding ways into your house, garage and sheds. Most of the seed that hits the ground is collected by rodents and they like to stockpile food for the cold months, and some of that may end up in your house. And well, I don’t need to get into the whole discussion of rodents and diseases, fire hazards, damage, smells and noise. So if you’re in love with your bird feeder, ah rodent feeder, here are a few suggestions to help stop or at least reduce the likelihood that you will attract rodents. Add a seed catcher to your bird feeder. Fresh unused seed should be kept in sturdy containers preferably tucked away from any rodents. Keep the area under the bird feeder well maintained by regularly cleaning up unused seeds. Lee Valley has a few bird feeders that are squirrel proof and are designed to keep the feed in the feeder. For more information you can always email me at and I can send you a full list of bird feeder safe options. Ladner tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky