Christmas trees may cause Hay Fever Symptoms & Insomnia

Yearly, those true believers in real Christmas trees head out to pick out their own tree or cut one down. But, heaven forbid, that real tree can be the source of sneezing and coughing as long as that tree is up and for some time after that. Now studies have come out describing the ways in which real trees produce mould and cause respiratory allergies. The mould on a these trees increased to six times the normal level, after a couple weeks inside a home. Mould allergies peak with mould-sensitive people when Christmas trees are put up in homes. Mould-sensitive people show respiratory or skin symptoms either while decorating or trimming the tree usually within one day. Because Christmas trees are kept indoors, it creates an increase of mould growth resulting in hay fever symptoms. Common complaints include coughing, panting, chest pains, exhaustion, itchy noses and watery eyes. Another study showed that the tree mould can also affect your sleep causing insomnia. But, there is a solution; hose down your tree before setting it up, delay putting up the tree as late as possible and avoiding touching the tree. & Exterminators Tsawwassen Delta Ladner B.C., Randy L. Bilesky BsF CPA RPF…ymptoms-insomnia/