The destructive marmorated stink bug


It’s small, it’s ravenous and if you splosh it, it stinks. This one is one centimetre in size, it’s brown on it top side and brown or grey on its bottom side. The invasive and damaging brown marmorated stink bug poses a risk to fruit and vegetable crops, vineyards, as well as home owners. Biologists are tracking the invasive and damaging brown marmorated stink bug as it makes its way toward north to the BC border, posing a risk to fruit and vegetable crops, vineyards and even breweries reliant on local hops. The brown marmorated stink bug was first identified in North America in Pennsylvania in 2001 and it has been spotted in areas near the BC border. The insect feeds on the green tissue of many plants and can cause blemishes or distortions in growth for fruits and vegetables, making them non-marketable. There are also concerns for vineyards and hop growers. With the stink bugs get into harvested products and they are crushed, you can affect the flavour of the beer or the wine.