Does your Furniture have Dandruff?

Powderpost beetles leave wood peppered with pinholes when the larvae produce fine wood powder as they tunnel through the wood. There are three beetles that chew through wood: lyctid, bostrichid and anobiid beetles. The Anobiids are the only type that attacks both softwoods (house lumber) and hardwoods (mostly cabinetry and furniture). The moisture content needs to be over 14% for larvae to develop but most homes are 10%, therefore usually only in attics and crawl spaces. Lyctid beetles lay eggs in fresh hardwood and will not attack treated or finished wood. Bostrichids beetles are similar to Lyctid beetle activities needing relatively high moisture and starch content. The powder these different larvae produce is mostly produced from late winter to late spring. Individual pieces of furniture can be fumigated for these beetles and their larvae but if the beetles are in beams or other non-movable wood the whole room or house would need to be fumigated. An alternative to fumigation is heat treatment; the wood would need to be heated to 48 to 60 degrees celsius for about one day. The beetles and larvae can also be frozen for the same amount of time.