The dog days of summer bring out the wasps.


Depending on the type of wasp, they can sting with little incitement, especially the bald-face hornet, paper wasps and yellow jackets. These pests will sting when they become agitated; be it a soccer ball hitting the nest, cutting the lawn too close, trimming the shrub that their nest is in etc. and they will seek to defend themselves through its natural defense mechanisms. Late summer and autumn is the best time to eliminate the wasp colonies. When the weather begins to turn cool at night it’s mating time. The Queen is ready to start producing more young queens which will bring result in more wasps in attics, crawl spaces, piles of wood and other protected areas.  The nesting cycle will start all over again in the spring. This can become a vicious cycle if the wasp population is not addressed. Trying to deal with the pest problem with home remedies or products from the hardware store can be futile. Removing a wasp nest is serious business and should be handled with extreme caution( trust me, I have a few war wounds ). Feeling unsure about dealing with this ever increasing problem, then it’s time to call a professional that has the right equipment to handle your wasp infestation.