Evicting a Family of Raccoons

As a homeowner your anxiety about a nest of feral raccoons must be palpable. Raccoons carry diseases like rabies and roundworm. They are also strong, smart and aggressive creatures that can damage ductwork, wood and electrical wiring. Clearly, these are not welcome house guests that you want camping out in your home. You need to remove the animals and keep them from returning, which will mean exclusion. A mother raccoon has the ability to crawl through a hole 12 centimetres in size, tear a soffit board or siding off your home, gnaw through a 1 inch board and scale a down pipe to get into your attic. Once a female raccoon has her baby’s, she’ll keep them very clean to help ward off predators. Once the babies are old enough the mother will remove the youth from the attic but that still leaves you with the nest in the insulation and a hole to fix. By inspecting you house and property for access points will help keep the raccoons, rats and mice out. Never let trees or bushes touch your roof as all these vermin use it like a handy ladder.
