Fruit Flies, already?

Fruit flies can appear to be brown or tan or any time of the year. Although populations tend to increase during the summer, indoor fruit flies are frequently active at all times of the year. They are attacked to ripened fruit and vegetables and fermenting products like beer, wine and spirits. The common fruit fly is known for its ability to reproduce rapidly, in fact, the entire life cycle lasts about 20 days or more depending on the environment they are in. Like other fly species, fruit flies experience a four-stage life cycle: first the egg, then they undergo larval and pupal stages before emerging as adults. To address a fruit fly infestation, dispose of all over-ripe or damaged fruit (take outside) and clean the drains in your sink as these too are breeding grounds. Fruit fly traps may help get rid of the adults and bacterial digesters are available to pour down infested drains. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky