The furnace is on and the rodents are coming inside

Now that winters here, you’re not the only one seeking a roof over your head. As temperatures drop, mice, rats and squirrels head indoors in search of nourishment and heat. There isn’t a home in Delta that hasn’t had a mice coming in and out, or living there at one time or another. Mice can squeeze through a hole the size of your baby finger and rats can fit through one your thumb. They’re both strong swimmers and allegedly can swim through sewer pipes or climb up drain pipes to get into your house. People realize they have a rodent problem by hearing them scratching, seeing their feces, the smell of their urine, signs of nesting, gnaw marks on doors and damage to food in the pantry. Mice and rats can’t help but leave their droppings everywhere they go. Rodents also leave greasy marks along the floor and walls where they use their whiskers to remember their routes. Rats and mice also chew on electrical wiring, plastic water lines and wood. Houses have been flooded by rodents chewing through pvc pipes and fires started after wires have been chewed. The greatest danger rodents pose is the transmission of diseases and bacteria through feces, urine and saliva.