Gas analyzer for bed bugs


Gas analyzer for bed bugs

Bed bugs remain one of the most infamous and hostile domestic pests. When these miniscule insects have invaded your home, it can take weeks or even months to get rid of them and there’s always a good chance they’ll return. Bed bugs are increasing in number throughout the Lower Mainland and pest control companies are looking for the next best control agent. Now, we have a new device that is printed from a 3D printer that can detect bodily gas emissions from bed bugs. The new monitoring device is based on a shoebox-sized gas analyzer known as “Ptolemy”. Developed by Philae, a UK-based mini laboratory, Ptolemy was deployed to investigate comet surface and subsurface using gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GCMS) techniques. The handheld bed-dug detector, detects gas secreted by bed bugs during sex and communication. This will enable the hospitality industry to monitor for the presence of bed bug infestations in near real-time.