Here come the wasps


Wasps are amazing creature that have evolved into simple yet very sophisticated insect. Wasps takes picture of the landscape around it so it can find its way home later. The venom that wasps have has a pheromone in it that causing other wasps to attack the stung individual. So if you do get stung, move away from that spot in case you are near the nest and hundreds of other wasps. Male wasps can’t sting you, only the females can and repeatedly. Their stingers are basically modified egg laying devices and therefore only females would have them. All wasps die in the winter, except for the young fertilized queens. The queen finds a warm place in the winter, be it a attic, crawl space, a shed or inside a rotting log. Once winter ends, the queen will  find a place to build a nest to put their eggs. Once the eggs are laid it takes three weeks for the egg to turn into a larva then into a worker. The worker wasps then find food, feed new larvae, and protect the nest.